
Signmee for Music Coordinators

Enjoy more time playing, less time on administration

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Helping music teachers manage instrument loans, performances, payments and processing

Music coordinators are often responsible for managing instrument loan programs, signing up students for extra curricular performance groups and managing performances cast, crew and audiences. Signmee helps to simplify, track and co-ordinate music activities, leaving more time for teaching, rehearsing and performing.

Signmee Benefits for Arts Program

Manage the instrument loan process

Instrument loans

Use Signmee forms to manage the Instrument Loan Program. Collect parent consent and payments, issue instruments and automatically update parents via Signmee. Once instruments are returned, update the status of the form to "Returned" using the Office Use Only feature in Signmee.

Sign up for performances

Sign up forms and permissions

Create sign-up forms for students to express interest in participating in arts programs and performances. Collect permission and payments from parents.

Manage performance cast and crew

Manage Performances

Manage cast and crew with sign up and permission forms. Create rosters. Send updates to participants. Manage transport. Sell tickets to the event.

Further Details

Office Use Only loan agreement workflow

Office Use Only Workflows
Tell us about your school programs, and we can help you set up simple forms and processes to make your job easier. Contact us to discuss -

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